zombie  Mar 20, 2008 • 12:51:29am

From the link:

Even the AIDS accusation, which seems so unbelievable to an America conditioned to believe the best about itself, has its origins in an episode of experimentation of African Americans in Alabama that, no doubt, seemed just as unbelievable when it finally came to light in 1972.

These moonbats really drive me crazy sometimes.

The person is obviously referring to the Tuskeegee Experiment, and is obviously laboring under the common delusion that the US intentionally infected the men with syphilis just to watch them die.

Which of course is the furtheest thing from the truth. But it is still taught and believed in moonbat circles.

The Tuskeegee Experiment is held up as the epitome of American racism, but in fact for the first 16 years of the experiment, it was commendable and admirable — something no one wants to remember. It was only starting in 1948 that the doctors made a questionably amoral decision.

It goes like this:

In 1932, the treatments for syphilis were thought by many in the medical profession to be more harmful to the patients than the disease itself. The treatments were mostly ineffective and had horrible, painful side effects.

But the problem was, there had never really been a reliable modern study to see what
the eventual results were of untreated syphilis — no one could say for sure, since it was always treated once discovered. Doctors wondered — are we hurting our patients more than they would be if we simply didn’t treat them?

So, they decided to study a group of men who already had well-entrenched syphilis! Problem is, at that time, almost all white men who had it had already gotten some treatments for it. The only group that had little or no medical care at the time were rural blacks in the south. So the doctors had little choice but to study a group of black syphilitics. Which is exactly what they did — they identified 399 black men with untreated syphilis, and simply did follow-up examinations on the every year or so — without treating it.

What they were trying to determine was — were these men better off than other men who were being treated?

Things went like this from 1932 to 1948. During this first half of the study, I really don’t see how it was that immoral. Yes, by modern medical standards, such a thing could not be done, but back then, it was commonplace, and none of the participants had ever gotten any medical care prior to the study anyway.

Things changed in 1948, when a better treatment for syphilis appeared. The doctors doing the study (some of whom were themselves black, by the way) decided to continue the non-treatment of the surviving men, since they were so far gone at that point that they were considered lost causes. The decision was made to follow the study to its conclusion.

Bear in mind that the study participants were not obligated to remain untreated. They could drop out and go to a “real” doctor at any time. But because most of them were illiterate and had no knowledge of medical things or disease, few dropped out of the study. So for 24 more years, the study continued on the remaining men, until it was stopped in 1972 by an uproar after a sensationalist article.

Yes, the second half of the study was more amoral, but it was a far cry from what it is always portrayed as in moonbat circles: a hideous human experiment in which white doctors infected black men with horrible diseases just to watch them die. Which is a complete distortion and untruth. I think it actually had very little if anything to do with race — the men were black merely because those were the only untreated syphilitics that could be found.

And needless to say, nobody gave these men syphilis. They already had it.

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